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I would like to get Infinity 9.5 2011. I am located at Penang, Malaysia. Any dealer nearby that i can contact? Thanks.
our closest importer would be:
AARYAN SPORTS Blk 288 #02-320Tampines St 22 (520288)Singapore
Phone : Mobile: +65 96867544
I am travelling to San diego in August 2012. My daughter lives near Pacific beach I live in New Zealand. I am looking for wave sails. Any dealers nearby?
Thanks for the message Chris. Unfortunately one of our favorite shops in San Diego recently shut down. We do not have a dealer in San Diego any longer.
Peter, the owner of the old shop, now lives in the San Francisco Bay area. I’m going to copy him on this email. Perhaps he can still be helpful to you both with his knowledge of San Diego and he can also help figure out a way to get you a sail.
Please let Peter know what you are looking for.
Kind Regards,
Subject: [ezzysails] Re: Dealer Locator
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Chris (unregistered) wrote: I am travelling to San diego in August 2012. My daughter lives near Pacific beach I live in New
Zealand. I am looking for wave sails. Any dealers nearby?
im travelling to sri lanka in 1/10-10/10
can i by sail in the factory?
thank’s Efi
thanks for the message Efi. We do not sell sails direct from our factory. The only way this could possibly be arranged is if one of our official Ezzy importers manages the transaction
Hi there
I notice that of the 3 dealers on Maui, both Hi Tech Sports and Hawaiian Island Surf show no listings for Ezzy products on their websites. Does that mean that the only place to buy sails and masts on Maui is at Second Wind ?
thank you for bringing this to my attention. All three shops stock and sell (and rent) Ezzy sails and masts. I’ll bring it to Hawaiian Island and Hi-Tech that they do not have our gear accessible on their sites. I appreciate you telling me.